
Advanced Academics and Talent Development

Arlington Public Schools is dedicated to maximizing the strengths and potential of all students so they may become self-confident, well-rounded, responsible, and productive citizens. Gifted services are implemented through school-based and countywide activities, which comply with School Board and State objectives.

Advanced Academics Talent Development and Young Scholars Model with yellow treeThe Office of Advanced Academics and Talent Development ensures that school-based services are delivered in the following ways:

  • According to a collaborative resource model in which the classroom teacher works with the Advanced Academics Coach (AAC) to develop and present appropriately differentiated learning experiences for advanced learners within the general education classroom
  • In the general education classroom setting with identified students cluster-grouped (minimum of 10) and through a variety of flexible groupings based on ongoing data
  • With teachers who are specifically trained in instructional needs of and curriculum written for advanced and gifted learners
  • Through curricula which are differentiated or extended from concepts in the general education curriculum, and when appropriate, through opportunities for enrichment and extension

Advanced Academics Coach

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Erin Youngman

Advanced Academics Coach