
Login Information

The table below highlights available APS approved online learning resources. Please note that some of these resources require your child’s APS credentials (username and password) or other ways to login that your child’s classroom teacher can provide.

Your child’s APS credentials:

Username: Student ID number (lunch number)

Password: contact your child’s classroom teacher

(Grades 3 – 5)
BrainpopContact your child’s teacher for Tuckahoe login
BrainPop Jr
(Grades PK – 2)
BrainPop Jr.
Contact your child’s teacher for Tuckahoe login
(Grades K – 5)
DreamboxStudents access Dreambox from MyAccess – Clever
Google Drive
(Grades K – 5)
Google Drive
Login with APS credentials
(Grades K – 5)

RazKidsClassroom teacher will provide login information when it is available.
Reflex Math
(Grades 2 – 5)
Reflex Math
Classroom teacher will provide login information when it is available.
(Grades PK – 5)
Classroom teacher will provide login directions when available.
(Grade PK – 5)
Login with APS credentials
Microsoft Teams
(Grades PK – 5)
Microsoft TeamsLogin with APS credentials

APS Library Resources
(Grades K – 5)
Login Directions for Destiny Discover & MackinVIA

Destiny Discover
Login with APS credentials

MackinVIALogin with APS credentials

Destiny Discover is the Arlington Public Schools library catalog.  Students log into with their APS credentials and then click on “Destiny Discover.”

MackinVIA is the website that students use to access APS Library database subscriptions.  Students use these resources for research.  Students can login using the MackinVIA app on their APS iPad.

What databases do students have access to?
Once students are logged into MackinVIA they have access to PebbleGo (English & Spanish versions), PebbleGo Kids, PebbleGo Next, World Book Kids, National Geographic Kids, The World Almanac for Kids, Kids Infobits, NoodleTools, CultureGrams, and Brittanica School (English & Spanish versions).