
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Once a child is identified, how long does the identification last?

A gifted identification will be part of a student’s file within APS until they graduate from high school.

What is the Naglieri?  What is the CogAt?

The Naglieri and CogAt are ability tests that APS uses as universal screeners, meaning every child takes them. An ability test is different than an achievement test in that an ability test measures intelligence in a specific category (nonverbal ability, verbal ability, and quantitative ability). An achievement test measures if a student has learned information that has been taught– such as an end of unit test or Standards of Learning (SOL) test.

The Naglieri is a nonverbal ability test. Students who score a 120 or above on the Naglieri are automatically referred for advanced academics since nonverbal ability is one indicator of giftedness.

The CogAt is also an ability test, however it provides verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal data points.  Students who score 120 or above in any subtest category of the CogAt are automatically referred for advanced academics.

How are advanced academics delivered at Tuckahoe?

Advanced academics are delivered by the homeroom teachers in the general education classroom. Teachers with clusters of identified students work with Ms. Youngman (Advanced Academics Coach), Mrs. Zarkowsky (Math Coach) and Mrs. Parrish (Literacy Coach) to plan differentiated instruction that will take place during reading, writing, and math workshop as well as during science and social studies class.  The workshop model allows for small group instruction based on pre-assessed data as well as provides a choice of activities for students to access as they progress in each subject area.

What are the components of Ms. Youngman's job?

As the Advanced Academics Coach, I wear many hats throughout the day!

  • I meet with grade level teams at least once per week to plan instruction and ensure that all teachers, not just those housing gifted clusters, have access to higher level resources that can be used in their classrooms.
  • I meet individually with cluster teachers to plan and/or coach them through best practices in teaching advanced learners.
  • I curate materials to be used in the classroom by the homeroom teachers.
  • I co-teach small groups of students during their reading, writing or math workshop.
  • I manage the identification process (data collection, parent communication, administrative tasks).

My child was identified as gifted at our previous school.  How will that work when we come to Tuckahoe?

If your child attended a school in APS the identification will transfer automatically.  However, please contact the front office at Tuckahoe over the summer to ensure classroom placement into one of the classes containing a cluster of gifted students.If your child is coming from a different school district, please try to have identification paperwork with you when registering your child at Tuckahoe and alert the front office staff of the identification so that your child can be properly placed in a classroom with a cluster of gifted students.  Also, upon registration, feel free to contact Ms. Youngman to provide a heads up! That will help get the proper paperwork in place at the start of the school year.

How are gifted services in Art and Music delivered?

Beginning in third grade, a student may be referred for services in Visual Arts and Musical Performance.  A referral can be submitted by a teacher, parent, or student.

    • Advanced Academics will be delivered by the child’s music or art teacher during the regularly scheduled class time.
    • Teachers will incorporate natural extensions into the projects students are working on with their class.  These extensions will be utilize a personalized learning approach and be provided on an individual basis based on student need and readiness.